Nyelvhelyesség — Task 4

Angol emelt szintű érettségi, 2016. május

You are going to read an article about the origins of margherita pizza. In most lines there is one word that should not be there. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.
Read the text and then copy the extra word in the box provided after each line.
Some lines are correct. Write "OK" in the box if the line has no extra word.
When you have entered all your answers, click on the button Check answers.
If you make a mistake, please try again until all your answers are correct.
Loved around the all world for its simplicity, margherita pizza is(1)
commonly believed to be named after an Italian queen.(2)
Despite of being united with northern Italy in 1861 by Garibaldi, in(3)
1889 southern Italy was still suffering from its loss of independence.(4)
Since that year the Italian king and queen decided to visit Naples,(5)
the former capital of the South, whether to meet their southern(6)
subjects. Legend has told it that the queen got sick of French gourmet(7)
food so that was the royal standard across Europe at the time.(8)
She had sent for the most famous pizza-maker in Naples, Raffaele(9)
Esposito, and had him to bake her three pizzas. She did not like the(10)
one with garlic or the one with anchovies, but she very liked the one(11)
featuring the colours of the Italian flag: it was made with basil (green),(12)
mozzarella (white) and tomato sauce (red). But Esposito named his(13)
invention after the queen, whose name was Margherita. A few days(14)
later on she sent Esposito a thank-you note, one that hangs to this day(15)
on the wall of the pizzeria, in which his descendants still own.(16)
If the queen's interest in pizza shows the monarch's acceptance of(17)
the southern traditions and the tricolour pizza represents the South's 
final acceptance of unification.