Olvasott szöveg értése — Task 1

Angol középszintű érettségi, 2016. május

Read the letter on the left and then read the sentences following it.
Mark a sentence A if it is true according to the article.
Mark it B if it is false.
Mark it C if there is not enough information in the text to decide if the sentence is true or not.
If you make a mistake, please try again until you find the correct answer.
Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my appreciation to some kind individual who was shopping at Lidl in Dewsbury last Wednesday.

I am a 69-year-old retired gentleman. I was taking my elderly uncle shopping at Lidl, as I do every week. After taking my uncle home and getting home myself, I realised that I had misplaced the bag that I normally carry around my waist containing my money and my personal belongings. I thought that this would be the last time it was seen!

However, I called the supermarket and to my surprise some kind person had found it by the door in the supermarket and handed it in to the cashier, complete with £30 and everything untouched.

Our town has had such a bad press recently. This goes to show that there are still kind, caring, genuine people about and I would like to say how proud of my community I am.

I am one very happy gentleman.

Yours faithfully,

R. McG.

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  1. The man regularly goes shopping with his uncle.
    1.   True
    2.   False
    3.   Not enough information